The world of Judo and Jujutsu

Judo-Informationsseite, u.a. mit einigen Artikeln zur Geschichte, zum Selbstverständnis, zu einigen sportlichen Techniken im Judo, u.a. die folgenden Themen: - The Root Arts of Judo This is an abridged version of several chapters of the forthcoming book, Kano's Judo by Steve Cunningham. It discusses the influence of various Jujutsu ryu on Kano and the development of Judo. - Joshi Judo Drawing from several chapters of the forthcoming book, Kano's Judo by Steve Cunningham, this brief essay presents some of the high points of the history of women in Judo, and highlights Kano's support of women in the martial arts. - What is Randori? A discussion of some historical points regarding randori, as well as the meaning of the word. - Sport Judo's Penalties: What Do the Words Mean? The words "keikoku, chui, shido, and hansoku-make" are translated, and the kanji (Japanese characters) discussed. - Judo: Its Evolution from Martial Art to Sport A brief essay on the evolution of Judo from its martial art origins to a modern Olympic sport. - The Dynamic Nature of Kata: Interview with Steve Cunningham This is an interview conducted by Linda Yiannakis. It is a lengthy discussion of the nature, structure, and uses of Kodokan Judo kata. - The Gokyo no Waza: Photos Photos of the throwing techniques of the Gokyo no Waza, the central throwing syllabus of Kodokan Judo.

Aiheet: Aasia kehitys judo kamppailu-urheilu tekniikka heittää
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Kieli: englanti (kieli)
Taso: keskitaso