Expert modelling in tennis

Ein Tennis-Trainer verfolgt ständig die Bestrebungen seines Schützlings und denkt intensiv darüber nach wie man dessen sportlichen Erfolg optimieren könnte. Das neue Buch "EXPERT MODELLING IN TENNIS" stellt diesbezüglich neue Wege vor wie man diesen Optimierungsprozess erfolgreich umsetzen kann. Die Miteinbeziehung einer modernen ganzheitlichen Leistungsdiagnostik, ist für den Erfolg im Tennis unabdingbar. Dabei müssen auch psychologische und sozio-kulturelle Umweltfaktoren in das Sportler-Screening mit einfließen. Eine erfolgreiche Trainingsteuerung ohne wissenschaftsbasiertes und praktisches Wissen ist heutzutage fast nicht mehr möglich. Moderne wissenschaftsorientierte Technologien, die auf der Verarbeitung großer Datenmengen basieren, sind in den letzten Jahrzehnten auch Teil der empirischen Tennisforschung geworden. Dieses "neue Expertenmodell" in dem das Wissen und die Erfahrungen von vielen Tennisprofis kompakt zusammengefasst sind, kann Tennis-Trainern helfen ihre Schützlinge optimal und ganzheitlich auf ihre Wettkämpfe vorzubereiten. Wichtig bei diesem Optimalisierungsprozess ist dabei einen Überblick über alle leistungsbestimmenden Faktoren im Tennis zu haben. Das Buch "Expert Modeling in Tennis" stellt eine einzigartige Möglichkeit dar, das Denken und Funktionieren erfolgreicher Tennisexperten mithilfe moderner Technologien zu kombinieren und so einen Einblick in erfolgreiche leistungsfördernde Strategien im Tennissport zu erhalten. Tennis coaches constantly track the efforts of their protégés and think of how to optimize their competition success. The new book "EXPERT MODELING IN TENNIS" presents new ways of implementation of optimization processes in a successful manner. The inclusion of modern performance diagnostics is indispensable for success in tennis. At the same time, a holistic approach should be used, which includes psychological as well as socio-cultural environmental factors. Effective training control is base d on scientific and practical knowledge. Nowadays science-oriented technologies based on data processing have become a part of the modern tennis research. The "new expert model" which presents you with knowledge and experience of many tennis players and coaches in a compact summarized manner, will enhance and update your coaching knowledge. You will get a holistic overview of a modern tennis player`s preparation activities. A big importance of this optimization process is to have an overview of all performance-determining factors in tennis. The new book "Expert Modelling in Tennis" offers a unique opportunity to combine the thinking and functioning of successful tennis experts through the help of modern technologies and enables insight into successful performance-enhancing strategies in tennis. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Expert Modelling in Sports 2.1 The environment of the System of Athlete Preparation 2.2 Characteristics of the System of Athlete Preparation (AP) 2.3 Structure of the System of Athlete Preparation 2.4 The state of the system of athlete preparation 2.5 Functioning of the System of Athlete Preparation 2.6 Behaviour of the System of Athlete Preparation 2.7 Management of the system of athlete preparation 2.8 Management of the System of Athlete Preparation with feedback information 2.9 Management of the System of Athlete Preparation with prospectiveinformation 2.10 Adaptive management of the system of athlete preparation 2.11 Complex, targeted management of the system of athlete preparation 2.12 Hierarchical management of the system of athlete preparation 3. Success in sports 3.1 Competitive success in tennis 3.2 Potential Success in tennis 3.2.1 The model of potential success of tennis players 3.2.2 A more precise definition of the importance of the discussed dimensions for the success of tennis players Morphological characteristics Motor Abilities Speed Agility Movement patterns Coordination Balance Precision Flexibility Power Strength Power Endurance Assessment and testing of tennis players 4. Measurement results of tennis players from 1992 to 2016 4.1 Results of descriptive statistics for variables included in the expert tree 4.2 The influence of selected variables on competitive success of tennis players 4.2.1 Movement functionality 4.2.2 Morphological characteristics 4.2.3 Body composition 4.2.4 Motor dimensions 4.2.5 Fast and explosive leg power 4.2.6 Training characteristics 4.3 Designing a reduced expert model of potential success for young tennis players 4.3.1 Model for potential success of young tennis players for movement functionality, morphological characteristics and motor abilities, endurance, and body composition 5. Conclusion 6. Literature 7. Measurement procedure protocols 7.1 Training characteristics 7.2 Morphological characteristics 7.3 Movement functionality 7.4 Motor efficiency 7.5 Fast and explosive leg power 7.6 Dynamometric force 7.7 Dynamic balance 7.8 Running Endurance 7.9 Body Composition 8. Index
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Aiheet: tennis huippu-urheilu suorituskyky suoritusrakenne mallintaminen suorituskyky tekijä fyysinen toimintakyky harjoittelu harjoittelun suunnittelu valmennusoppi
Aihealueet: urheilukilpailut
Julkaistu: Hamburg Kovac 2019
Sarja: Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft, 146
Sivuja: 169
Julkaisutyypit: kirja
Kieli: saksa (kieli)
englanti (kieli)
Taso: kehittynyt