What's the mindset? An investigation of junior hockey players' attitudes toward sport psychology

In this study, 114 Canadian junior hockey players` attitudes toward sport psychology were investigated. Participants provided demographic information and completed two questionnaires. Results indicate that Canadian junior hockey players are willing to utilize sport psychology services, prefer sport psychologists as opposed to other psychological professionals, do not express stigma toward sport psychologists, and are confident in the efficacy of sport psychology; however, express an unwillingness to disclose personal information. Participants identified strongly with a growth mindset, and a positive correlational relationship was found between a growth mindset and confidence in the efficacy of sport psychology. Participants did not identify strongly with a fixed mindset; however, increased identification with a fixed mindset is associated with increased stigma, decreased personal openness, and decreased confidence in sport psychology. Ultimately, Canadian junior hockey players hold positive attitudes toward sport psychology and express interest in using sport psychology services to optimize performance and mental health.
© Copyright 2015 Julkaistu Tekijä University of Lethbridge. Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään.

Aiheet: jääkiekko Kanada juniori huippu-urheilu urheilupsykologia asento ravitsemus valmennus perhe sosiaalinen suhde stressi kuormitus
Aihealueet: urheilukilpailut yhteiskuntatieteet
Julkaistu: Lethbridge University of Lethbridge 2015
Sivuja: 116
Julkaisutyypit: pro gradu -tutkielma
Kieli: englanti (kieli)
Taso: kehittynyt