The Paralympic Athlete

This brand new Handbook addresses Paralympic sports and athletes, providing practical information on the medical issues, biological factors in the performance of the sports and physical conditioning. The book begins with a comprehensive introduction of the Paralympic athlete, followed by discipline-specific reviews from leading authorities in disability sport science, each covering the biomechanics, physiology, medicine, philosophy, sociology and psychology of the discipline. The Paralympic Athlete also addresses recent assessment and training tools to enhance the performance of athletes, particularly useful for trainers and coaches, and examples of best practice on athletes' scientific counseling are also presented. This new title sits in a series of specialist reference volumes, ideal for the use of professionals working directly with competitive athletes. List of Contributors. Foreword (Dr Jacques Rogge). Foreword (Sir Philip Craven). Preface. Part 1 Introduction. 1 Introduction to the Paralympic Movement (Sean Tweedy and P. David Howe). Part 2 Paralympic Sport Science. 2 Biomechanics (Ian Rice, Florentina J. Hettinga, Justin Laferrier, Michelle L. Sporner, Christine M. Heiner, Brendan Burkett and Rory A. Cooper). 3 Physiology (Yagesh Bhambhani). 4 Medicine (Stuart Willick and Nick Webborn). 5 Philosophy (Steven D. Edwards and Mike J. McNamee). 6 Sociology (P. David Howe). 7 Psychology (Jeffrey J. Martin and Garry Wheeler). Part 3 Exercise Testing and Prescription. 8 Aerobic and anaerobic power (Yeshayahu "Shayke" Hutzler, Yoav Meckel and Judith Berzen). 9 Strength training (Marco Cardinale and Lee Romer. 10 Nutrition, body composition and pharmacology (Peter Van de Vliet, Elizabeth Broad and Matthias Strupler). 11 Mental preparation (Dietmar Martin Samulski, Franco Noce and Varley Teoldo da Costa). Part 4 Best Practices. 12 Preparation for the Paralympic Summer Games: heat, humidity, pollution (Marco Túlio de Mello, Sílvio de Araújo Fernandes Jr, Andressa da Silva, Luiz Oswaldo Carneiro Rodrigues, Emilson Colantonio, Marcos Gonçalves de Santana and Sergio Tufik). 13 Preparation for the Paralympic Winter Games: cold, altitude (Marco Bernardi and Federico Schena). 14 Contribution of sport science to performance-wheelchair rugby (Laurie A. Malone, Natalia Morgulec-Adamowicz and Kevin Orr). 15 Contribution of sport science to performance-swimming (Brendan Burkett).
© Copyright 2011 Julkaistu Tekijä Wiley-Blackwell. Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään.

Aiheet: vammaisurheilu paralympialaiset kehitys biomekaniikka urheilufysiologia urheilulääketiede urheilusosiologia urheilupsykologia suoritusdiagnostiikka harjoittelu voima, vahvuus suorituskapasiteetti aerobinen anaerobinen ravitsemus rakenne lääkkeet mentaaliharjoittelu talviurheilu kesälajit lämpötila termoregulaatio ympäristö ilmasto pyörätuoliurheilu rugby uinti henkinen
Aihealueet: vammaisurheilu biologiset ja lääketieteelliset tieteet
Toimittajat: Y. Vanlandewijck, W. Thompson
Julkaistu: Chichester Wiley-Blackwell 2011
Sarja: Handbook of sports medicine and science
Sivuja: 312
Julkaisutyypit: kirja
Kieli: englanti (kieli)
Taso: kehittynyt